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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina


What does the SC Education Oversight Committee do?
The EOC provides information and analyses of student performance, educational programs and educational funding; information to impact decisions at the state and local level focused on improvement of student achievement; and services and information that encourage public engagement in the success of students and schools as well as continuous improvement of the accountability system.

The committee, which is a legislative agency, works closely with members of the SC General Assembly, providing data and recommendations regarding programs, policies and funding based upon the level of achievement for students, schools, and programs. 

What is the mission of the EOC? 
The mission of the EOC is to affect the dramatic, results-based and continuous improvement of South Carolina's educational system by creating a truly collaborative environment of parents, educators, community leaders and policymakers.
The values underlying the mission are the following:
• A sole focus on what is best for students
• A belief in broad-based inclusion and collaboration
• A belief in standards, assessments, and publicly known results
• The implementation of research-and-fact-based solutions that improve results
• A passion for immediate, dramatic and continuous improvement that is unaffected by partisan politics

When does the committee meet?
Currently, the full committee meets the second Monday of even-numbered months. On odd-numbered months, the three subcommittees meet on the third Monday at 10:00 a.m.

Where can I find easy-to-read information about what my child should be learning in school?
Family-friendly guides to SC’s content standards have been created for families, by grade level. They are also available in Spanish. 

When are the school and district report cards released? 
By law, the school and district report cards must be distributed to parents by November 15. View the most recent report cards.

Are the report cards required by law?
The Education Accountability Act of 1998 requires the development of an annual report card to report on the performance of the individual elementary, middle, high schools and school districts of the state. The Act also requires annual report cards for charter schools and alternative schools. The report card is to serve four purposes:

• To inform parents and the public about the school's performance;
• To assist in addressing the strengths and weaknesses within a particular school;
• To recognize schools with high performance; and
• To evaluate and focus resources on schools with low performance.

Where can I find information about home schools?
The State Department of Education publishes information online about home schools. View more information about home schools